Sides & Small Bites

  • 6 Ways to Eat Rice Cakes

  • Air Fryer Vegan Korokke (ビーガンコロッケ)

  • Air-Fried Smoky Tofu

  • Baked Miso Tofu

  • Beginner’s Guide to Natto

  • Black Bean and Corn Salad

  • Broccoli Goma-ae | ブロッコリーの胡麻和え

  • Broccoli Tofu Mini Quiche (Vegan, Oil-Free, GF)

  • Chickpea Seed Crackers (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free)

  • Cucumber Tsukudani (Japanese Simmered Cucumber) | きゅうりの佃煮

  • Easy Cabbage Pancakes (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

  • Easy Cucumber Ponzu Salad

  • Easy Tofu Ricotta (Vegan)

  • Furikake Chex Mix

  • Gochujang Potatoes (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

  • Green Bean Goma-ae |インゲン豆の胡麻和え

  • Hoisin Peanut Tempeh

  • Homemade Inari Age いなり揚げ

  • Inari Sushi いなり寿司

  • Kinpira Gobo (Braised Burdock Root) | きんぴらごぼう

  • Lemon Dill Potato Salad

  • Lotus Root Gyoza(蓮根餃子)

  • Miso Glazed Eggplant

  • Nasu Dengaku (Japanese Miso Eggplant) | なすの田楽

  • Natto Gohan (Natto and Rice) 納豆ご飯

  • Natto with Kimchi and Enoki Mushrooms | えのきキムチ納豆

  • Ratatouille-Stuffed Tomatoes

  • Red Lentil and Chive Pancakes (Chijimi) | レンズ豆のチヂミ

  • Seeded Multigrain Bread (No Knead)

  • Sesame Crusted Tofu (Vegan, Oil-Free)

  • Sesame Miso Roasted Potatoes

  • Sesame Mizuna Salad

  • Sesame Tempeh Crumbles

  • Simple Marinated Celery Salad

  • Spicy Asian Marinated Cucumbers

  • Spicy Bean Sprout Miso Soup (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

  • Spicy Bean Sprout Salad

  • Spinach Goma-ae (Japanese Sesame Spinach) | ほうれん草の胡麻和え

  • Steamed Eggplant with Green Onion Dressing

  • Sticky Gochujang Cauliflower

  • Sweet and Sour Tofu (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

  • Tahini Kale Caesar Salad with Smoky Tempeh

  • Takikomi Gohan (Japanese Mixed Rice ) 炊き込みご飯

  • Tataki Kyuri (Japanese Smashed Cucumbers) | たたききゅうり

  • Tofu and Green Onion Salad | ネギと豆腐サラダ

  • Tofu Cabbage Rolls with Peanut Sauce

  • Tofu Mochi Isobeyaki | 豆腐餅の磯辺焼き

  • Vegan “Tuna” Mayo Onigiri | ビーガンツナマヨおにぎり

  • Vegan Pumpkin Biscuits

  • Vegan Pumpkin Dinner Rolls

  • Vegan Somen Noodle Salad

  • Vegan Tofu Gyoza (ビーガン豆腐餃子)

  • Vegan Tofu Karaage | 豆腐唐揚げ

  • Vegan White Bean Korokke (Japanese Croquette) | コロッケ